SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Cycles are partially designed and 100% built in Finland. That is why we can quarantee full quality and safety to our bikes. Frames are manufactured and imported by our partner in Asia. All frames are strictly selected and tested, and that is why we can offer a 2 year warranty to our bikes.
SUP Traktor 2.0 Boost OrangE
SUP Traktor 2.0 Boost OrangE
SUP Traktor 2.0 Boost OrangE


Etsitkö monipuolista ja hinta-laatusuhteeltaan mainiota sotaratsua, joka taipuu niin kaupunkiviidakkoon kuin poluillekin? SUP Rotor Blue on etujousitettu alumiinirunkoinen maastopyörä, joka soveltuu moneen tarpeeseen aina koulu- tai työmatkasta maastoon ja poluillekin. Pienin runkokoko (16") on saatavilla lyhyemmille kuskeille 27,5" renkailla ja isommat SUPikoirat rengastetaan 29" renkailla.
Shimano Deore/Altus -vaihdeosat.
SR Suntour -joustokeula tankolukituksella.
Holkitetut ontelovanteet Shimano-navoilla.
Hydrauliset Shimanon levyjarrut.
Erinomainen hinta-laatusuhde.
2 vuoden takuu.
Suunniteltu ja testattu Suomessa.

Väri: Sininen
Runko: SUP Alu
Etuhaarukka: SR Suntour
Ohjainkannatin: Systemone
Ohjaintanko: Systemone
Takavaihtaja: Shimano Deore
Etuvaihtaja: Shimano FD-M4000
Jarru-/vaihdevivut: Shimano SL-M310-3S/9s
Jarrut: Shimano BR-M315 Hydrauliset
Kammet: Shimano FC-M30008
Vanteet: Sup Custom Shimano Navat
Renkaat: Schwalbe Smartsam 27x2,25 / 29x2,25
Satula: SUP Raceline
Paino: 14 kg